Friday, May 22, 2009

The Only Mzungu

Well, I'm just about finishing my first two weeks in northern Uganda so I figured I'd give a little update. This week I have been visiting different IDP camps around the area leading discussions on improving sanitation. The Ugandans in these camps need a lot of prayers, because the war with the LRA has left them extremely vulnerable. There is a lot of disease and malnutrition, and the crops haven't been growing very well this season. Also, they keep expressing a need for more water pumps because usually there is just one for an entire IDP community. It is also difficult to see how much the conflict has affected all the people I am working with. There are so many widows and orphans left to fend for themselves, and a lot of people that had been abducted as child soldiers that are now trying to live normal lives. The war forced them to move into IDP camps, which are forced communities so that the government could protect them from the rebels. THat meant that they all had to leave their original home farms and live in an area where farming wasn't possible. Even though the LRA has been gone from the area for a couple years, most people are too afraid, or lack the necessary resources to move back to their land. THe farthest they've gone is establishing satellite camps halfway between the original IDP camp and their own land. But its still really bad, and they need a lot of help. I am one of the only mzungus in the central town of Pader...I see one once in a while but for the most part there are no other westerners. Its funny because down in southern Uganda most people assumed I was american, but here they keep yelling "Canada! Canada!" at me. I think thats because the majority of NGO workers are Canadian, and they rarely see any Americans. Well, I am heading to Kampala for a couple of days on Monday, so I will talk to everyone later!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Greetings from Pader!

Sorry I have not written in here for so long! I have been moving around like a madwoman, and I rarely have access to the internet (its a long process of dragging out the generator, hooking it up to a power converter, trying to find a connection with a little MTN wireless hookup...etc.) Anyway, I miss EVERYONE so much, and I can't believe all the USP people are back in America now! I originally came to Pader on the 9th, but we went to visit Reverend Kenneth's family in Gulu that following Tuesday. I just got back yesterday, and today was my first day where I officially sat down at my desk to get some work done for Emmanuel International.

I am staying in a compound right outside of the town center in Pader district in Northern Uganda. On the compound is my own little house (it looks like a two story silo, kind of. It has a straw roof, so think of a vertically extended African hut), where I have a bedroom (there are 2 other empty ones), a bathroom/washroom, and a little kitchen area where I cook my own meals. Kenneth, a Ugandan missionary, lives on the compound in another little house. We have a guard stationed at the front gate, armed with a bow and arrow (not kidding), a little area for the cows, a resource center (where they also hold the community's church services), and an office (where I now have my own desk as the Coordinator for Ministry and Education). A woman named Millie is also on staff here, and she is paid to clean the house and dishes for me lol. EI has a couple permanant staff up here, including counselors, and then a handful of volunteers.

The work I have started is going around to the IDP camps and giving lectures and demonstrations on hygiene and sanitation to vulnerable groups (widows, orphans, returnees from the LRA, child-headed households), and assisting the counselors to those same groups. EI has a couple other projects going, including bead making for widows to earn a profit, and seed distribution (which I'm also helping with). We have a lot to do, but it is very quiet here and I have a lot of alone time. I'm on page 850 of the book Atlas Shrugged, which I started a week and a half ago, so that should give you an idea of how much free time I have. Haha.

Anyway, I love you ALL and thanks for all of your financial and emotional support you've given me. I'm excited to work here, and I'll keep you all updated as much as possible!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I returned from Rwanda last week, and it was a really intense experience (and I will write about it when I have more time later). God really taught us all many lessons from that trip. Right now I am at the Emmanuel International house in Kampala with Anita Bertrand and another volunteer my age named Jacob. We are waiting until the 9h to go up to Pader, where I will be staying for the summer. But right now, they are letting me relax for a couple days, use the washing machine (a washing machine!!), swim in a nearby pool, and read a lot. More later!